The focus of the consultancy is on maximising the speed and likelihood of senior individuals in the highly competitive non-executive market by offering bespoke support and guidance. We work to ensure the launch process is professional, comprehensive and effective, and subsequently represent our clients to the headhunter group.

We make a difference in multiple ways, including:

The creation of a strong non-executive focused board CV with client input, drawing out the skillsets relevant to the market

Membership of the 350 Club, the closed platform for FTSE 350 board members and executive committee members, where relevant

Advocating for clients with board headhunters and others

Connecting clients to Chairs, NEDs and others

Connecting clients to relevant board organisations and platforms

Developing a focused non-executive strategy, which may bridge both executive and non-executive careers

Ensuring clients are comprehensively on the radar of the relevant board headhunter group (there are c40 in the UK in total)

Ensuring that they make the best impression in terms of style and content

Preparation for shortlist interviews

Case Studies

Technology CEO
Full programme of support including connections to FTSE 100 Chairs.

FTSE 100 General Counsel
Three sessions focusing on strategy, marketing, career narrative and style. Shortly thereafter appointed to a FTSE 250 board.

Retiring Big 4 Partner
Full programme of support. Appointed to Small cap board as Committee Chair.

FTSE 250 Chair
One session covering interview preparation and related support for an upcoming Chair mandate.

Investment and PE executive
Full programme of support.

C-suite executive
Board CV, strategy and networking plan support.

Strategy, headhunter marketing refresh and shortlist interview preparation for a FTSE Small cap board position.

FTSE 100 ExCo Member
A 12 month market support programme including monthly face to face sessions and regular advice on building a portfolio: introductions, mandate selection and search process preparation.

Our Approach